Friday, February 22, 2013

a Blog post about Blog posts

yeah, so sorry,  not a very exciting entry today.

I'm using blogger for this blog not the far more expressive typepad or wordpress applications.  Then I hooked it up to my google+ account.  Now, most of us have a google+ account then we forgot all about it because frankly nothing was going on there.  My husband begs to differ and tells me daily about all the wonderful geeky gaming and science posts going on in his circles.   Or, and how wonderful Google hangouts are and all the other superior points that google+ has over Facebook.

He's also planning on building a killer robot.  Well, actually just a robot, but what point is a robot if it's not a killer robot? 

But I still can't get into the whole google+ thing.  or Twitter - but that's a whole other complaint.

If you are too good for Facebook, then sure, set yourself up on Google+.  In the meantime, I will continue to pass on all the messages from Dominic's family to him since he almost never logs on.

Back to Blogger.  Since Blogger is now a Google product I used my google+ account to set it up.  which means that you cannot follow my blog in the traditional sense unless you follow me with your own Google+ account.  Oh, Google, taking a page from the Apple playbook.

I could revert to the old Blogger account, but then I decided my Google+ profile was so nicely written and I don't have the inclination to revisit all about me.  So, we'll just have to find a way to make this all work.

Of course I could be all wrong.  I'm still trying to figure things out.  I still haven't even figured out why I am even blogging, other than the fact that everyone else is doing it now.  I haven't even added any pictures yet.  I'll do that in a later post.


  1. Ur - no, you can follow this blog using your google, yahoo, twitter, AIM, netlog or OpenId account.

    Hardly a walled garden like FB or Apple.

    1. i'm only responding in reply to another comment about there being no way to follow this blog.
      You can comment and subscribe by email or RSS, but I thought there was a way in the original blogger set up to just 'follow' so that i would have a list of followers. Even you are using your blogger ID.

  2. Clicking on "Join this site" will bring up your list of options by which you can follow this blog.
